Opportunity Analyzer
The bane of every sales forecast is the sales rep who unintentionally adds a zero to their volume or revenue, or selects an incorrect unit of measure, sending your company's market cap into the stratosphere. Opportunity Analyzer:
- - Evaluates all opportunities as they are entered into the system
- - Compares opportunities to others entered by the sales rep, other reps in the territory and across the company and scores the likelihood of accuracy
- - Notifies the sales rep and opportunity team members about the potential inaccuracy in near-real time

Chatter Assistant
Companies that use Chatter well understand its power to drive collaboration, resolve issues and close deals faster. Companies that use Chatter well also understand just how overwhelming it can be to find the key signals in all that noise. Chatter Assistant:
- - Analyzes prior behavior--who and what you follow--and goes beyond hashtags to look at what people are saying to serve critical content just in time
- - Recommends people or opportunities that you should keep an eye on
- - Adds topics to conversations to broadcast them to key individuals in your company

Loss Describer
The last thing a sales rep wants to do is spell out exactly why an opportunity was lost. You're lucky if you can get them to select from a list of reason codes! Loss Describer:
- - Analyzes all activity related to an opportunity including Chatter, Events, attached emails and status updates to understand who or what drove the loss
- - Summarizes the key reasons with direct quotes from the related activity
- - Recommends a loss code to the sales rep based on the analysis